Amy Bauer, President
Andrew Aziz, Vice President
Russell Knight, Secretary and Treasurer
University of Victoria
April 25-27, 2025
The West Coast Conference of Music Theory and Analysis (WCCMTA) and the AMS Pacific Northwest Chapter (AMS-PNW) are excited to announce a joint annual conference, to be held 25-27 April at the University of Victoria in Victoria, BC (Canada). We envision an in-person conference that includes one session for off-site presenters using Zoom.
The program committee requests abstracts in simplified AMS or SMT conference formats. This means a 350-word abstract that may also include supplementary theory examples. Submitters should clearly identify their primary society affiliation as AMS or SMT to facilitate the evaluation of abstracts.
The program committee invites abstracts for the following slots:
20-minute in-person papers (open to all)
20-minute Zoom papers (must be noted in submission; we anticipate room for only 3-4 Zoom contributions).
The deadline for abstracts is 14 February 2025 to allow for decisions by March. Abstracts should be sent to amspnw.wccmta.2025@ gmail.com. Thank you in advance for your interest!